Personal development youth program
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” - Albert Camus

It's a personal development program that brings together 35 young people from 7 countries for a dynamic individual learning experience in a group context.
The program is based on experiential learning and is made by processes and activities that embrace various areas of life and focus on the relation with others and with oneself.
Those are opportunities to explore inside, to identify concepts and patterns that come from culture, family, social environment, from the experiences and understand how they are supporting and how they are limiting us in specific situations and with different people; that allow the participants to broaden their horizons, to get out of their automatic thoughts and actions expanding their limits and gaining complete control over their life.
The approach is based on the concept that everybody is the creator of his/her own experience and set the limits regarding how far to go during the project.
The project focuses also on cross-cultural communication, on the topic of culture and employability in a multicultural environment.

The method and the approach of this program has a long history.
Coming from the late 60s and early 70s in California, then passing through South Africa - with Pat Grove - and Israel to reach European coast in several forms and shapes. In the 2000s the training method was transferred from the for-profit field into the non-for-profit sector by a group of European youth workers from the Netherlands, Hungary and Greece.
Now, 15 years later, thousands of youth workers, trainers, coaches, volunteers and people interested in their personal and professional development have participated in programs utilizing the method.
Eventually, an informal network across more than 35 organizations from EU and countries bordering EU was created and programs have been organized and implemented in the Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Armenia, Austria, and Denmark.
In numbers, the past 15 years look like:
More than 3000 people participated;
More than 100 programs organized and implemented;
More than 15 new NGOs were established across EU.
The method is called “synergy” and equips people with tools and techniques that increase their abilities to achieve personal and professional success while enjoying life.The key is the HOW: the practice of integrity, to strive for excellence and authenticity.
In case you already attended an “Event Wise” or a “Basic Synergy” training as a participant, do let us know. It might be more relevant for you to join our project as co-facilitator.
Read testimonials of the Event Wise
Read testimonials of the Basic Synergy

New Horizons is a project made by 3 phases. Participating partially can not be an option as by the regulations of the Erasmus Plus program.
Phase 1- Preparation: in this phase the participants prepare for the exchange together with the sending organizations, they plan the practical aspects of the exchange (travel, finding the resources to pay the personal contribution), reflect and start to identify their main personal learning goal.
Phase 2 - Exchange: it's the core experience of the project. The participants reflect on the concept of culture and go through a number of processes that are the playground to improve competences and to identify elements that they want to improve or valorize in their life, then they have concrete opportunities to practice what learned out of the accommodation. They also plan how to create the impact they want in their life and organize a mutual support system.
Phase 3- Post exchange: after the exchange the participants implement their individual action plan with the support of their sending organizations and of another participant of their choice, they have 2 support meetings (in person or through Skype) within 6 weeks after the end of the exchange.
They also fill in the evaluation form and write a testimonial of their experience.

Important to know
Youth exchanges are a great opportunity to travel, discover new cultures and countries, meet different people and create international relationships without spending a lot of money. This specific program includes personal development processes and approaches that make it intense in terms of mental and physical energy required. It's also intense for the sharing and reflection moments and for the daily amount of working hours (12-13 per day).
In order to support the learning process of the participants drinking alcohol is forbidden in the accommodation of the exchange and highly discouraged outside.
From another side for many people who experienced the Event Wise or the Basic Synergy methodology it has been an illuminating and liberating experience which brought immense joy and fulfillment and created authentic and deep relationships as you can read in the testimonials.
In case you are interested in travel, discover new places, meet different people and create international relationships in a cheap way but not in the topics of the exchange, you can not actively participate in all the phases of the project or you are not willing to go through self-reflection activities doesn't matter, it's perfectly fine and we don't get offended. We ask you then not to apply for this program - it may become a not pleasant experience for you - but go for what you really want and make it awesome!
In that case we invite you to use tools like Couchsurfing, Blablacar, traditional hitch-hiking, to get inspiration from other travelers through blogs or groups like this one or this one.
The activities of the program are lectures, simulations, games, reflections, sharings, bodywork, assignments. The first part of the exchange happens inside the accommodation, the second part happen mainly outside and it's meant as a first playground to practice what learned.
In order to don't spoil the participants' experience and keep the surprise impact of each process we are not going to describe in details the program, we give you a general idea of what we will work on each day.

Leaders meet at the accommodation in Pinerolo to prepare for the beginning of the program

Participants arrive at the accommodation and settle down, the registration happens and the organizers give more information about the program

This first day focuses on identify how each one of us judges, considers and weights situations and people.

We will reflect on the automatic responses that we have towards life events and how they are affecting our life

Rise the ability to keep our first intention and not discourage or give up because of unexpected events

To liberate ourselves from the limits that our own self-image is building

Transition day to the outdoor part. It's there to provide space to reflect on the insights and new understandings gained in the previous days, how they are connected with each one's life and what do we want to change

Participants have concrete opportunities to express their creativity out of nothing

Be confronted by the reality and improve the ability to respond to events

The state where you always have a choice

The last day of the program focuses on planning how to create each one's desired life change and take agreement about creating a support system to make it happen

Participants and leaders leave the accommodation place

The program embraces a variety of topics and different areas of life therefore an individual while going through the program can identify different areas of improvement and choose to work on them according to her/his needs. Nevertheless the possible outcomes connected with the topics of intercultural sensitivity and cross-cultural communication are:
- To foster intercultural sensitivity meant as the development of the skill of recognizing and living in contact with difference.
- To look at people and at situations as opportunities instead than obstacles.
- To raise the competencies needed to choose consciously different cultural lenses according to the situations and with the people, to allow the access to Wider Horizons of understanding and connection.
- To provide concrete opportunities to meet and interact with diversity in order to overcome stereotypes and prejudices, to create empathy, openness, positive vision, cooperation and support in the everyday life.
- To increase competences relevant for the employability of youngsters in a multicultural environment, to empower cross-cultural communication skills, facilitate the access to job opportunities abroad and to youth international mobilities.
- To provide safe space for the participants to share ways to combat discrimination, to promote and disseminate a culture of inclusion and cooperation beyond borders with a sustainable win-win strategy.

17th September 2018: Arrival of the leaders
18th September 2018: Arrival of the participants (from 16:00 till 18:00)
19th September 2018 (morning): Program starts
27th September 2018 (night): Closing of the program
28th September 2018 (within 10:00 am): Departures
The exchange will take place in Pinerolo, Italy, from the 18th till the 28th of September 2018. The travel days are the 18th and the 28th September, it's not allowed to arrive later or leave earlier. You can travel for a maximum of 2 extra days.
The facilitators and co-facilitators need to arrive the 17th September for the preparation. More precise information about how to reach Pinerolo will be provided to participants and leaders after the confirmation. Don't buy your tickets before receiving the confirmation letter!
The main accommodation of the exchange is "Casa Giovanna di Chantal", a spirituality house inside Visitazione Monastery in Pinerolo, Italy.
Casa Giovanna di Chantal is an oasis of peace and calmness, a safe place very suitable for reflecting and focusing on oneself. The property includes a wide activity room, a relax area for the coffee breaks, a kitchen, a dining room, rooms with 4 beds and private toilets, gardens, arches and a courtyard.
The accommodation and working spaces are part of the building complex of the Monastery, it's required to reduce to the minimum loud noises and don't disturb the activities and the prayer of the nuns. It's possible to spend the free time outside the accommodation.
This project is not connected with any religious beliefs.
3 meals per day will be provided plus coffee breaks. Participants will stay in shared rooms of 4 people and will take part in simple house duties to make the whole accommodation system work.
Casa Giovanna di Chantal
Monastero della Visitazione
via Jacobino Longo, 5
10064 Pinerolo
This program is supported by a co-funding of the European Union allocated by the Erasmus + program through the Italian National Agency.
It is available a reimbursement for the travel costs for the participants who take part in all phases of the project and provide the required travel documents (flight itinerary and boarding passes, bus and train tickets).
The reimbursement is done after the project, when follow-up activities are completed, up to the amounts stated below:
ITALY - 35€
CROATIA - 275€
GREECE - 275€
SPAIN - 275€
ROMANIA - 275€
We ask each participant to contribute to the implementation of the program by getting actively involved in it and by taking care of some duties related with the maintenance of the accommodation: all participants will be involved in a daily tasks system made in international groups.
° Your age is between 20 and 28 years old (except the national leader who doesn't have age limit)
° You are interested in developing your attitudes, skills and knowledge in the areas of personal development, cultural awareness, cross-cultural communication and employability.
° You are willing to take part in the whole programme and in all the activities
° You are ready to be challenged
° You are ready to get involved in non-formal activities for a duration of 12-13 hours per day
° You are able to freely communicate in simple English
° You are officially resident in one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Spain or Romania
° You will not be benefitting from any other Erasmus Plus fund during the program in Italy (ex. you are not doing the European Voluntary Service)
Vagamondo, based in the metropolitan area of Torino (Italy), is an NGO focused on European mobility and non-formal education. It provides learning and growing opportunities for young people and youth workers.
The name Vagamondo comes from the concept of travel as a powerful tool of self-discovery and personal development: it is through direct contact with cultural and personal differences that identity becomes more visible to every individual, it is coming out of the comfort zone, getting involved in new activities, different from the usual ones, that people can identify room to grow and work on themselves.
In that condition of clarity non-formal education becomes a playground where people can practice new ways of thinking, acting and an effective tool to make a change that can create a long-term positive impact once back home, thus to improve the quality of personal and professional life.
From 2013 to 2018 Vagamondo took part in the organization and implementation of more than 70 international projects in Italy and abroad, involving more than 300 young people and youth workers.


Fabiano Bruno, Director of Associazione Vagamondo, has a degree in Cross-cultural communication, a field he deepened in more than 10 years of youth work in international environments in several countries in Europe. He got the practitioner and master level in NLP from the International NLP Institute and he attended different coaching courses. He implements trainings and youth exchanges which embrace various topics and which focus on personal development and self-coaching. He likes to make his programs dynamic, entertaining and open for the participants to direct their learning and be the creator of their own experience.

Francesca Agnese has a diploma in teaching and a degree in psychology, she also expanded her knowledge in the field of coaching and NLP. She has been involved in more than 20 international trainings and youth programmes in Europe in various roles, from participants to team supervisor, from trainer to training supervisor. By using non-formal education and experiential learning she works mostly on the topic of self-development and connection between mind and body. Empowerment, love and freedom are her core values and her mission is to help people to help themselves.

Ilze Vanaga is a personal development and team trainer focusing on sustainable & value based living. She works in the Latvian outdoor organization “Adventure Spirit” and by using outdoors as a tool brings individual and group development to pupils, youth and adults through informal and non-formal learning. Besides outdoors she uses such methods as somatic coaching, mindfulness, value-based leadership, life vision, music & art therapy practices, EQ and many more. Her belief is that by living through our values, each day is another step closer to our life vision: “First be, then do, so you could have.”

Synergy Bulgaria
Contact person: Silviu Petrariu
Web page
Facebook page
Syncro - Synergy Croatia
Contact person: Matea Klasic
Web page
Facebook page
Solidarity Mission Accademy
Contact person: Anna Cheimona
Web page
Facebook page
Synergy LT
Contact person: Aringa Balkaite
Web page
Facebook page
Infinity - Synergy Spain
Contact person: Itsaso Zaldibar
Facebook page
Zig Zag Prin Romania
Contact person: Cosmina Ciocan
Web page
Facebook page
For more information or clarifications about the project contact the organization based in your country or contact us:
PHONE: +393200638535
New Horizons Team